Sunday, December 31, 2017

Where did the Year go?

WELCOME to the New Year. . . 

Another day in your life, a new beginning, as is every moment, second, minute, hour, day, and year.

It's Happening!

Enjoy the ride.

Note: When the ride is over, start another one because being done is being done.

Monday, December 25, 2017

I believe

As a child, I didn't know that Christmas wasn't a universal holiday. 

I always thought everybody enjoyed that magical feeling that swirled through my insides as THE big day approached. Christmas equaled magic. How did that old fat guy, Santa Claus do it? How did he get into our house and leave a myriad of toys under our fake tree? 

As an angst driven teenager, I discovered the trickery behind the inclusive Christmas holiday. Sadly, that twirling butterfly feeling I'd experienced completely disappeared. How foolish of me to believe magic existed. The world was surely a dark place and I was a pawn in a scheme against . . . something.

But then I grew out of my dark phase and eventually realized magic truly does exist in every moment of everyday. This evolution of mine occurred over time and it's not easily pinpointed to a single event. Maybe it was surviving advanced cancer or maybe it was wisdom in aging—however the transformation took place, I sure am grateful for my multi-demonsional vision. 

Magic is everywhere, you can't miss it. Just look and you shall see.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Unabashed Joy: A life Mission

I travelled with my friends, Annie and Lynda in October, last year. Napa Valley and wine tasting after a weekend at Hoffman Institute for a refresh of the original Hoffman course. We stayed in an Air BnB artist loft and fully engaged in the local culture (ahem). During our preparation for a night out, Annie stated that she was going to develop a mission statement for her life. What a fabulous idea.

I followed Annie's lead. Bravo for her wisdom. I put into words that which I'd been living for the previous few years. I'd listened to Abraham-Hicks so much that I could almost hear Esther coaching me through my one sentence mission statement.

My mission in life is to inspire others by living a life of joy. 

Is my mission statement fool proof? No. But searching for joy in every waking day is a long way from where I stood five, ten years ago. My life is interesting. From walking to the postoffice, to meeting the locals in Kenya, to living at the beach—my adventures have only just begun.

Thank you Annie for helping me focus on my mission. I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

When Everything is Over

Do you ever think about the end? 

Most people muddle through each day paying little attention to commonplace occurrences that string together a life. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with all of us? Why do we put so much emphasis on most of the things that in the end will not matter? I don't want to relive all the years I rushed through my days with my mind distracted on meetings, deadlines, and how others were perceiving me. And I certainly don't want to focus on the end of me. I just want to fully engage in this existence and get the most out of my time on this planet. When my end arrives, I hope to say, "That was an awesome experience."

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Amazing Mother Nature

Mother Nature's healing properties have left me in a state of peaceful bliss. 

At the Mara square, several hundred unpaved miles from the Kenya Relief facility where I joined team 22 on a mission that included 48 surgeries and a team of highly skilled medical professionals (and me), I found my healing. I didn't even think twice about the scheduled safari or how impactful the untouched landscape would be. Three safari days, a little Immodium and every African animal imaginable left me speechless. Mother Nature heals.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Wisdom from a Turtle

The turtle totem wisdom teaches us about walking our path in peace and sticking to it with determination and serenity. 

Turtle Spirit Animal

I never thought I'd believe slow is good, but I do. I just don't want to wake up one day and say, "How did I get to be eighty." I'd rather say, "That was a great ride, and I remember every bit."

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How Many Days Do You Have Left?

11,132 days left until departure.

Now it's 11,128 as I prepared this post four days ago. I suppose I'm giving away my age, but the point is we only have so many hours, minutes, seconds . . . days left in this form. Might as well enjoy.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Open to Whatever Unfolds

I'm going on a mission in Kenya. Ten days to a place called Migori where Kenya Relief is located. I'm open to whatever unfolds. So far it has been amazing and I haven't even left North America.

I mentioned my impending mission to my dear friend and former chemo guru (my lifesaver), Donna Valentine and she said, "Can I go?" Donna never does anything without months of planning. We figured it out, got all our shots,  mosquito repellent, and permission from the Kenyans. She's going! We're going. I feel safer with my friend there. Who get's to go on a mission and bring their doctor/physician assistant? I'm so lucky.

Curtis and Devry Coghlan are resident missionaries. Devry was my first mentor in this life. I have idolized the ground she walks on for over twenty-five years. She's unbelievable. I can't wait to spend a few minutes with these fabulous people in their life of the last three years. I never imagined Devry or I would exist in this world today in the manner that we exist. I moved to the ocean and Devry moved to Africa. I'm not sure that's fair, but that's life.

LAX to London to Nairobi and transportation to Migori. I will see you from Africa real soon. I'm open to whatever unfolds.

Monday, October 30, 2017

What's Better Than Perfect?

I've become the rewrite queen, obsessing, changing, tweaking, and strangling my story. A wise soul recently reminded to be wary of my inner-critic.

I can't shut her down at times. She's lingering on commas and searching thesauruses over and over again. But in general, I'm fascinated with imperfections like the random sinkhole in a street or the searing hot temperatures in October, and the lopsided pumpkin on my neighbor's porch. It makes life more interesting, but even as I type these simple words I'm stalled by that inner voice. She drives me nuts. For now, I'm ignoring her because sometimes done is better than perfect.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Touched by Cancer

I started at stage IV in April 2010. I believe that in my lifetime cancer will be cured. Breast cancer, thyroid cancer, I've had both. I'm still alive. Pink ribbons and pink, in general, bothered me at first, but now I embrace the immediate attention. I embrace pink. I applaud all survivors. Thank you for your bravery.