As a child, I didn't know that Christmas wasn't a universal holiday.
I always thought everybody enjoyed that magical feeling that swirled through my insides as THE big day approached. Christmas equaled magic. How did that old fat guy, Santa Claus do it? How did he get into our house and leave a myriad of toys under our fake tree?
As an angst driven teenager, I discovered the trickery behind the inclusive Christmas holiday. Sadly, that twirling butterfly feeling I'd experienced completely disappeared. How foolish of me to believe magic existed. The world was surely a dark place and I was a pawn in a scheme against . . . something.
But then I grew out of my dark phase and eventually realized magic truly does exist in every moment of everyday. This evolution of mine occurred over time and it's not easily pinpointed to a single event. Maybe it was surviving advanced cancer or maybe it was wisdom in aging—however the transformation took place, I sure am grateful for my multi-demonsional vision.
Magic is everywhere, you can't miss it. Just look and you shall see.
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